Der Abel Preis 2004 ist raus, die NZZ berichtet ein wenig.
Atiyah and Singer will receive the prize ?for their discovery and proof of the index theorem, bringing together topology, geometry and analysis, and their outstanding role in building new bridges between mathematics and theoretical physics.?
Atiyah and Singer will receive the prize ?for their discovery and proof of the index theorem, bringing together topology, geometry and analysis, and their outstanding role in building new bridges between mathematics and theoretical physics.?
integrator - am Donnerstag, 1. April 2004, 13:33 - Rubrik: Preise
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Der diesjährige Kyoto Preis geht dieses Mal neben dem Biologen Hood und dem Architekten Ando an den Mathematiker Mikhael Gromov.
Professor Gromov has pioneered entirely new disciplines in a variety of fields, including geometry and analysis, and has had a substantial impact on all the mathematical sciences. Through his application of innovative ideas and radical nontraditional mathematical methods, he has also solved a great many complicated problems in modern geometry.
Professor Gromov has pioneered entirely new disciplines in a variety of fields, including geometry and analysis, and has had a substantial impact on all the mathematical sciences. Through his application of innovative ideas and radical nontraditional mathematical methods, he has also solved a great many complicated problems in modern geometry.
integrator - am Dienstag, 27. Mai 2003, 23:11 - Rubrik: Preise
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Der diesjährige Japan Prize ging mit Dr. Benoit B. Mandelbrot und Dr. James A. Yorke an zwei Mathematiker.
Dr. Mandelbrot and Dr. Yorke found, respectively, that fractals and chaos are the universal structures existing in complex systems, and they elucidated their fundamental properties.
Dr. Mandelbrot and Dr. Yorke found, respectively, that fractals and chaos are the universal structures existing in complex systems, and they elucidated their fundamental properties.
integrator - am Samstag, 24. Mai 2003, 14:22 - Rubrik: Preise
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Der diesjährige mit 6.000.000 norwegischen Kronen dotierte und erste Abelpreis geht an Jean-Pierre Serre, "für sein Verdienste um die Schaffung moderner Formen in vielen Bereichen der Mathematik, insbesondere der Topologie, der algebraischen Geometrie und der Zahlentheorie" [aus der Presseerkärung]. Weiteres kann man bei ETHLife sowie auf der Homepage des Abelpreises erfahren.
integrator - am Montag, 7. April 2003, 15:52 - Rubrik: Preise